Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Funny, that...

As you know I am an Englishman, living in the States. I write this blog, not always regularly and not always with a great writing style but to share some of my experiences and educations with the law of attraction. It's not a funny blog although personally I have a great sense of humor and find many things amusing.

You might notice that in this world of bloggers virtual friendships appear and certain blog are frequented by the same readers and writers. Such is the case with a number of the English blogs I read. Here are some of the best examples.

The World of Yaxlich

Smaller than life

JonnyB's Private Secret Diary

and Little Red Boat

It's almost as if they have their own little blog gangs, maybe "blangs" which I am running around the outskirts of, reading every hilarious tale, anectdote, thought and strangely, progress of bathmats but I digress. The point of this post is to encourage my readers, regular or those that just stumbled across me to cast a vote for the blog written by Jonny B. You may not know where Norfolk is, you may even not be familiar with rural village life in England, but you will certainly notice excellent writing when you see it.

The reason for encouraging your vote is that Jonny B stands to win an award against stiff competition from a rather dull and dreary European political blog. I'm in favor of this because humor / humour is what keeps us smiling through thick and thin.

Humor / Humour (now only referenced as funny because humor/humour gets tiring to type) is something I think is incredibly positive in the world. That's why funny is important, it's also why funny gets a big thumbs up from me and has a special place in a blog about the law of attraction. Funny is positive. Funny is powerful. Funny is Jonny B.

Vote Jonny B and give funny the recognition it deserves.

Thanks all.

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