I have the answer and you might not like it, It's YOU!
More precisely it is your ego. The conscious, common sense part of you that controls all your rational thoughts. It doesn't like the idea of change, it likes things just the way they are. Of course it would, it helped create them and now it controls them.
Any limitations you feel you have are put there by your ego to keep things the same. If your ego could just be silenced for a short while why you experience a universe without limitations you would achieve anything you require. So how do you do that?
Get out of your own way. Get you and your ego out of the way. Ask for whatever it is that you require and then Get out of the way. Don't rationalize it just get out of the way and take your ego with you.
You will achieve everything you set out to.
There is a fantastic set of lessons, meditations and reading material on ego management on the Six Figures program.
Do you want, require, desire, dream about earning six figures? Would you like that within the next 365 days. Six Figures In less than a Year? Then learn how to get out of your own way and let the universe deliver for you. It will be the wisest and best purchase you could possibly make. In fact I would call it an investment in yourself. You'll know it works when your new six figure income pays for that investment in just one pay check.
For the record - I'm a simple man without a college degree, I left school at 16 years old and I earn six figures.
Can it be done? Yes, it can. I am proof. Now go and register, intend your new six figure income and then get out of your own way.
Click Here to Learn More: Six-Figures In Less Than A Year - Do only the things you LOVE to do, and generate multiple revenue streams!
Have a great day.
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