Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Out of Synch

Last night my wife and I had a fight. It got ugly at several points and then it calmed down, but even today it is not brilliant.

I think it is because we are out of synch. I realize and understand that when I'm officially old enough to retire that there will not be any social security money left. That to me means that I'll either be working all my life just to exist or I can put in a whole bunch of smart work now to avoid that.

I think my wife "gets it" but then when it comes to the crunch she just wants her life the way it is. No discomfort, not even for a short time, no long range planning except for having children and no desire or as she says drive to become a business owner, salesperson or entrepreneur.

To be honest - I don't have a drive to become those things either. I do however have a drive that suggests some minor inconvenience would be acceptable, certain risks are acceptable and having a certain (but open) mind set is acceptable for just one purpose: Providing for my wife and family now and into the future. I'd really like to be able to spend every minute with my children as they grow - their first steps, first words and so on. I'd like to be with them on birthdays, holidays, schools shows and recitals. Most importantly I'd like to be with them because I just can and not because I was able to sneak out of work early or took some vacation time.

To me, my dream of being wealthy is not about the money itself, but what it can do for us. It can buy us time from jobs we do not enjoy, it can buy us the time to be with family and friends and it can buy us the tickets to go and visit those family and friends. Any where at any time. Not a bad request when you realize that my wifes family are spread across 4 states and mine spread across the UK and New Zealand.

I think she "gets it". I know she says she does. It's just that we are out of synch on "how" all the above dreams are going to become reality.

The ironic thing about this is that providing we are clear with the universe on "why" we want something then the rules of the law of attraction state that the "how" will take care of itself.

Maybe yesterday was just a day to be out of synch.

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