Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Out of Synch
I think it is because we are out of synch. I realize and understand that when I'm officially old enough to retire that there will not be any social security money left. That to me means that I'll either be working all my life just to exist or I can put in a whole bunch of smart work now to avoid that.
I think my wife "gets it" but then when it comes to the crunch she just wants her life the way it is. No discomfort, not even for a short time, no long range planning except for having children and no desire or as she says drive to become a business owner, salesperson or entrepreneur.
To be honest - I don't have a drive to become those things either. I do however have a drive that suggests some minor inconvenience would be acceptable, certain risks are acceptable and having a certain (but open) mind set is acceptable for just one purpose: Providing for my wife and family now and into the future. I'd really like to be able to spend every minute with my children as they grow - their first steps, first words and so on. I'd like to be with them on birthdays, holidays, schools shows and recitals. Most importantly I'd like to be with them because I just can and not because I was able to sneak out of work early or took some vacation time.
To me, my dream of being wealthy is not about the money itself, but what it can do for us. It can buy us time from jobs we do not enjoy, it can buy us the time to be with family and friends and it can buy us the tickets to go and visit those family and friends. Any where at any time. Not a bad request when you realize that my wifes family are spread across 4 states and mine spread across the UK and New Zealand.
I think she "gets it". I know she says she does. It's just that we are out of synch on "how" all the above dreams are going to become reality.
The ironic thing about this is that providing we are clear with the universe on "why" we want something then the rules of the law of attraction state that the "how" will take care of itself.
Maybe yesterday was just a day to be out of synch.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Don't just take my word for it...
There are many authors and blogs listed below, many are experts in the field, some are keen amateurs like myself, some wish to earn fortunes, others to simply lose weight or find the person of their dreams. Many are fans, some are sceptics, some not so keen but not so firmly opposed. Each writer tells the stories and facts in their way and I am pleased to be able to link to them all here.
To my casual or unconvinced readers: Now you have other places to go, other sources of information about the law of attraction (and natures other laws in some cases) to read up on. Educate yourself. Determine if I really am just a raving loony with one foot in the funny farm, wriggling around trying to get out of that nice white jacket with the sleeves that do up at the back, or someone who just like you has a dream and wants to see it become a reality.
If you are one of the authors to whose blog I have not got around to yet, please be patient I'll get there soon. Thanks and keep blogging.
Skateboarder Learns Law of Attraction
by Richard Arnold Austin probably has a bright future in front of him and it is obvious to me that he understands the Law of Attraction and how bringing like minded people together can accomplish great things. His story could inspire other skateboarders
Per on the Law of Attraction
by Sean At Mystery of Existence, Per offers an in-depth post on the Law of Attraction with some keen insights. Here’s an example:. I may set an intention, and even visualize for something to occur, yet within a context of Thy will be done,
Allowing and the Law of Attraction
by Wendy As we learn more about using the Law of Attraction consciously in our lives, ... However, the more deeply we delve into Law of Attraction principles, ... That's the beauty of the Law of Attraction. We don't HAVE to make things happen,
Not so secret
by elsie Of all the Laws, the single most powerful law is the Law of Attraction which says: “That which is ... Anything in your life you want to change, you can — simply by understanding the Law of Attraction, and choosing to deliberately change
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don't seem to have good
Subliminal Messages and the Law of Attraction - the “secret ...
by clydesight The Law of Attraction is a popular New Age concept that is promoted by a number of groups and people, including Abraham-Hicks and “The Secret” (a 90-minute video - available on DVD or on-line - that explains the principle). ...
Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction
by Travis Wright I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, ... In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in ... So how is it that the Law of Attraction can help you to lose weight? ...
Weight Loss And The Law Of Attraction
by Aaron Potts Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. Its powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of ...
Divine Play with the Law of Attraction
by hillary I have been working with the laws of attraction consciously creating what I want and seeing the results each day. Yesterday was the perfect experience to see how it unfolds and in the form (rupa) it takes. After watching the Secret a ...
Law of Attraction Carnival 4
by (Edward Mills) Welcome to the October 10th edition of the Law of Attraction Carnival. Particularly astute readers out there will have noticed that, while this is the October 11th edition of the carnival, it is actually being published on lucky Friday ...
what a ride!
by Jake I guess I've been blogging for about 4 years or so now and it's really been an amazing experience. In this latest chapter of my life I've put less of my own personal nonsense into my lectures and really tried to stick to principles and ...
The Law Of Attraction
by admin One of the most wonderful abilities we have is the ability to make choices. We can choose to think positive thoughts or negative thoughts. Likewise, we can make an effort to ensure all our actions contribute to positive outcomes or we ...
Law of Attraction
Wow! We seem to have turned up in a buch all at once! I have a vision of the local dancehall, where a new bunch of out-of-towners arrive and the 'resident' dancers seem a little bemused by the sudden new arrivals. ...
How Friday the 13th Relates to the Law of Attraction
by Wayne F.Perkins How Friday the 13th Relates to the Law of Attraction I remember growing up and dreading Friday the 13th. This seems to have been a very unlucky day for me. The historical origin of Friday the 13th in the English speaking world, ...
Law Of Attraction Secrets
The Universe has been called many things - God, Inner Being, Your Source, Higher Being, Infinite Mind. Or if we are really brave, we may associate it with Quatum Phsyics - the area of all possibility.
The Secret Law of Attraction
by pheromone “Opposites attract” is a law of attraction, at least where electromagnetism is concerned. But are there laws about attraction between two people? “In a world that is full of strangers” as a line in a famous song of the 1980’s goes, ...
The Law of Attraction
by bryantw The Law of Attraction simply states that what you think about is what you create. So if you think about the things you ... Your passion for what you do brings you greater success: the Law of Attraction. You become what you think about. ...
October 2006 Spiritual Wisdom Newsletter
A users guide to the universe.
The Law of Attraction, and Me
by jakedahn The book introduces the Law of Attraction, and to me it really makes sense. From what I’ve read so far, it’s one of the best books I’ve read. The ideas in the book present a whole new way of looking at reality, and if you’re in a set ...
Sep 21, Universal Laws - Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and ...
The Law of Attraction and Law of Abundance are Universal Laws, that when used properly will bring into your life prosperity, happiness, health, everything that you desire...........
Law of Attraction 101
by Kahunka Understanding the Law of Attraction It's ALL About Energy and Attraction Master this and everything you've ever wanted is yours. Overview Building blocks of the universe You are energy Fundamental laws that govern energy Give away what ...
Whats wrong with the Law of Attraction? Posted By : Larry Blenn
I have written several articles about the Law of Attraction but it wasnt until only recently that I discovered the one inherent flaw with the theory of The Law of Attraction. Like all theories, the law of attraction is simply just that, ...
Statistical Test of the Law of Attraction
by Ettsem In any case, he's a big fan of the Law of Attraction. In November of 2005 he proposed that everybody who ... Until now, all I've ever heard about the Law of Attraction was lame anecdotes. So, 10 months later, how is the experiment ...
The Butterfly Effect by Ron White
12 Oct 2006 by admin The Secret Pays System - 7400% Return. Hello friends,. Read this article and know that YOU also make a difference in the world and in the Universe with every action, every breath. YOU matter.
Law of Attraction SOS Report
by cweaver How does this relate to the law of attraction? Attraction is neutral – it can be good or bad. The only way to turn fear around is face-to-face. The greatest form of pollution is our thoughts. We attract what we focus on. ...
Cross Body Blocking your Attitude with the Law of Attraction
by aaron Basically what happens with the Law of Attraction is that by the nature of your thoughts and your feelings, you attract into your life those very things, or things very similar. So, if you feel like you’re having a bad day, guess what? ...
Dating and Relationship Advice - Can You Use the Law of Attraction ...
by Dan and Jennifer Have you ever noticed that when you start thinking about buying a new car, you start to see that car everywhere you go? This happens to all of us on both a very small and very large scale. For our purposes, we are talking about the very ...
Marketing Strategies: Using The Law Of Attraction To Create Your ...
by Chilly This article describes the Law of Attraction and why it’s so important to master this Law. By learning how to implement the Law of Attraction you’ll be able to create your Ideal Income In 2006. The 5 steps:
Book On The Law of Attraction Gives Psychology and Self-Help A New ...
A new book on The Law of Attraction invites its readers to use this Law as an aid to healing their lives. The Law of Attraction states that "what you think, you attract." Physics and metaphysics experts are educating the world about the ...
What We Can Learn From Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Because if you’re offering positive action, there is actually going to be positive action returned....somewhat like the Law of Attraction. Action is energy. So what action/energy are you giving your customers today?
Review of "The Secret"
11 Oct 2006 by Phil Newton By utilising the law of attraction, they think about getting cheques in the mail instead of bills, and so they attract cheques instead of ... Even though the film is based on the “law of attraction”, the exercises can be used by anyone. ...
Subjective Reality: How Desire Always Overrides Methods
by Alexander Becker The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. ... From real life application of the theory derives one main observation about the law of attraction that, the specific method you use to make ...
Thoughts on the Law of Attraction…
by (Grant Bellows) In this first episode of a two-part series on the ‘Law of Attraction,‘ we bring up a common but critical omission in many popular books on the subject. It is one thing to think about what we want, but can we afford to ignore or deny the ...
Make Money Using The Law Of Attraction
by bianglim Can you make money using the law of attraction? How? Do you know how the natural laws of Quantum Physics, the Law of Attraction and Cause and Effect can work either FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU…? Here is a truth that abundance is a natural ...
The Law of Attraction: How Some Leaders Attract the Best Followers
by Brian Ward And watch the Law of Attraction instantly work in your favor. Pursue a mission of bringing meaning into peoples’ lives, through their work and yours. After all, isn’t that the true meaning of leadership?
Law of Attraction, Part 2
by Cynthia Collett Have you been hearing the buzz about the Law of Attraction? ... The a dear friend of mine sent me a book about the Law of Attraction called Ask and It Is Given ... I was still kind of clunking along on the whole Law of Attraction thing. ...
Law of attraction
by alison koh Everything in creation is influenced by the law of magnetism (also called Law of Attraction). The law of magnetism teaches us that whatever we concentrate upon, we draw to ourselves. If we focus on goodness, our life can be a garden of ...
How to draw genuine love to you using the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws in the universe. According to it like attracts like.
3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life
12 Oct 2006 The Law of Attraction specifies that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. Use these mystic principles ... The Law of Attraction is the basic underlying principle at work here. If you’re not manifesting ...
TPS #58 -Acting As If and the Law of Attraction
If "acting as if" or the Law of Attraction isn't working for you, listen to this show. Visit Contact Joan at or use the comments link below.
Apply The Law Of Attraction To Get The Career You Want… and More!
by Jeff Bosco ... tool to help you attract riches into your life. The Secret to Riches tool will powerfully focus your mind on riches. It has been intentionally created so you will receive the maximum benefits through the law of attraction. ...
Steve Pavlina’s Subjective Reality and the Law of Attraction Podcast
by Lyman Reed I’ve read (and commented on) Steve’s ideas on the Law of Attraction and Subjective Reality before, and actually had a pretty major aha moment after reading one of his posts. This podcast even brought more of an appreciation for and ...
Powerful Intentions - Co-Founder Tours with "The Secret"....Law Of ...
by FreedomFire Law of Attraction - Abraham-HIcks & The Powerful Intentions Community The "Law of Attraction" forum at the Powerful Intentions is awsome for getting help on ... For more on Chris, The Law Of Attraction, and Powerful Intentions visit. ...
Is the Law of Attraction Exempt from War?
by Joe Vitale I've noticed a few people taking shots at the Law of Attraction and the Science of Manifestation. ... I know a lot of people over simplify the Law of Attraction. ... I'm sad to see so many people dismiss the Law of Attraction and Art of ...
Good example: Law of Attraction at work
by attractmoney Ok, recently I have been needing to raise more money so I can get further along in a business and some websites that I’m developing. My wage paying job is literally holding me back in obtaining more income. ...
The Law of Attraction
by Claudia Psychic/Healer The definition of the Law of Attraction is "I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative." Every moment of every day, we are sending out energy. If we send out positive energy, ...
An Introduction to The Law of Attraction
by Jason Clegg “The Secret” of course is The Law of Attraction – a unique metaphysical idea ... The Law of Attraction is the mechanism behind intention-manifestation. ... In this article, I want to explore the ideas behind The Law of Attraction and ...
Applying the law of attraction
Personal development and self-improvement resources to help guide you along on your path while Applying the Law of Attraction.
Subjective Reality and The Law of Attraction
by Yacapo I’ve been reading a lot about the law of attraction and subjective reality lately. ... In case you have never heard of the law of attraction, allow me to ... The law of attraction states that everything that happens to us is caused by ...
Beyond The Law of Attraction
by Mnet Beyond The Law of Attraction AUTHOR: Susan James Several years ago, I wrote in a forum message that there was an energy form beyond The Law of Attraction. It was a controversial statement to say ...
The Law of Attraction
11 Jul 2006 The Law of Attraction. A bunch of inspiring motivational speakers and ... In my own experience, I've never found anything to contradict the law of attraction. ... The Law of Attraction is kind of annoying, unless one has mastered it. ...
The Law of Attraction Beliefs and Thoughts
by gary Steve writes: “The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will ... It is the dominant beliefs that manifest through the law of attraction. But there are still other ...
Love, Life and The Law of Attraction
by Terry Just because I wrote a book detailing how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve romance and ... For two decades I have devoured every book I came across on The Law of Attraction, including Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, ...
Abraham on the Law of Attraction and the Internet
1 Oct 2006 by Vickie And we say “law of attraction lined it up.” It’s really easy. ... It REALLY got my attention as I have always thought that the internet was pretty amazing, but never really thought about it in a law of attraction sort of way. ...
Law of Detachment - Flowing with God
by Mind Reality The Law of Detachment is complimentary to the Law of Attraction. The law of detachment may seem like a ... We learn from the law of attraction that all we experience is the result of what we feel. When we feel undesirable feelings, ...
Making The Law Of Attraction Work FOR You
by Trevor “By the time I was 30 I had concluded that there is no God; there’s no such thing as the Law of Attraction, life’sab…. and then you’re dead. I had been a health professional, practising what I loved – therapy. ...
by Lee The basic tenet of metaphysics is the Law of Attraction. It states that which you visualize/picture/imagine/state/verbalize will manifest in your experience. Law of Attraction does not make judgments of "good" or "bad", "positive" or ...
THE GREATEST Law of Attraction Story EVER TOLD ! !
Believe it or not.... This is an actual account... Total reality meaning THIS DID HAPPEN Tuesday evening about 6 PM PST and it is SO PHENOMENAL I must give you the background first: For 3 days prior to MY GREATEST LOA EXPERIENCE of all ...
Law of Attraction
by jasonsteeghs So, anyone who has seen it or feels like they have an understanding of "the law of attraction"... I couldn't help but to wonder what Spiral Dynamics might have to say about this whole idea of creating our realities. ...
The law of attraction
by Elizabeth Juffs I've just returned from spending a couple of hours with a friend watching a fascinating DVD. Now this isn't the way I usually spend my days, you understand, especially on a gorgeous day like today. But this film was different. ...
Law of Attraction
by Jeff Gee We’ve been listening to these tapes by ‘Abraham’ about the Law of Attraction. These tapes have got me thinking about my thoughts and feelings and how they attract everything into my life. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. ...
Interesting: The Law of Attraction…
by Amit But I skimmed to that page, before I got there, I had the thought: “Wouldn’t it be funny if it had something regarding the Law of Attraction…and here’s what was written… “You need to work but good things are coming your way. ...
Law of attraction?
. . . The first drawback is an obvious one: the law of attraction only serves as one of many ... Instead of money to buy it, we use the law of attraction. ... Underlying the interest in the law of attraction is the belief that something is ...
Mastery Of Desire Extends Power From Infinitesimal Particles To ...
by cloud Let’s say the Law of Attraction is real. That means that when you know what you desire, and you feel as if you already have your desired thing (you are experiencing your desire), then the universe gives you more of that which you desire ...
My thanks to all these writers for contributing knowledge, facts, science, personal experience and a desire to learn to the growing audience in the real world. For each eager soul who your words inspire, educate or simply inform the universe thanks you.
Busting Loose
If I had read this book back then it would have blown my mind, but not now. I am finally getting it! It's all just a game - everything we do, everything we are, feel and see, is one game - created by us to have fun and challenge ourselves. I kinda like that.
If any of the following statements make sense to you or have ever popped into your head as thoughts then please read the book. Your journey is about to change speed again.
1 - I am the Universe
2 - God is the universe
3 - Therefore I am God, or put another way, God is me
4 - I believe in a higher power of infinite intelligence and believe that we are all interconnected
5 - Quantum Physics makes sense to me
6 - We are all one.
For the lay person reading this, No - I am not a barking loon, who needs to be locked up - this is the next evolution of my understanding of life and the universe and my role or position within and it's ability to help me achieve my financial, personal and health goals.
I survived Friday the 13th
That's 8 people in total, a lake and Friday 13th. My friend expected that I would not make it back from the trip but here I am, alive and well. Maybe it's because I'm the cute one who also happens to be the virgin?
It was a little scary though - the house next door to the one we stayed in had been burned to the ground and there were eerie noises coming from pipes and metal that got caught in the breeze. There were no street lamps and the only flashlight we had was the one in the house that died just 2 minutes after turning it on. Leaving me and my friend to trip over brush and half-path until we found the lighting for the walk down to the lake front.
To be honest - I'm a 37 year old, 6'5" man who doesn't get scared by much but I'll admit to breathing a little short and generally puckering my butt as I made it out to the homeowners boat dock which was lit up like a Christamd tree it was so bright. That was quite a scary 200 yards I can tell you.

Still, we proceeded to make an amazing (even if I say so myself) fire in a fire pit on the beachfront and sat there eating s'mores and drinking. As for the other coincedences? 13 drinks, 13 stumbles in the woods, 13 ghost stories told. ( I really wasn't counting......) And the final one: Is there any coincedence in the fact that I couln't play pool when I was 13 years old and the fact that I cannot play after 13 vodka and red bulls now?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I got my energy back
Yesterday was a real down day, it didn't seem to matter what I did I was just in a funk. I had to pull out of 2 real estate offers I'd made because the sellers couldn't bring themselves to sell at my price and I had one of my investor partners drop out of a deal too.
The reality is, these things happen all the time, and as I now know - for a really good reason, but somehow yesterday I just hit an energy low. Right up until I went to my cashflow club. It's our little club where we meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month to play the Cashflow game created by Rich Dad Poor Dad creator Robert Kiyosaki.
I love to play it and it doesn't get boring, I even tell people that the books will encourage you to change your life while the game will ACTUALLY change your life, and I mean it. That's not the whole reason for my energy boost though. It's the people. We have all sorts attend, varying educations, employments, histories, ages and it's a mix. It's a great mix. While we are playing, before and after we will sit and discuss new books we are reading and experiences we are having as well as sharing our dreams, goals and plans with likeminded people.
I need reminding once in a while that not everyone thinks like everyone else and I know that for sure because a lot of people consider the law of attraction a wacky idea and others think that Rich Dad is just a bunch of hot air to sell books. I do believe in both of them a lot and it's just great once in a while to hang out with others who agree.
Today, I'm bouncing like a child and full of the joys of spring. I have made myself a new day today and everything is just perfect, it feels good and I'm ready for the world. Bring it on.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Watch The Secret
This is a great 7 minute clip of the movie The Secret I told you about. The story about the genie is how this blog got it's name. I recommend anybody to watch the whole thing. It really is worth your time.
Do you know friends who are glass half empty types? This might just convinbce them to change.
I haven't been on for a while because I am busy, busy busy, now I know that is no excuse but in the last week alone my goal is starting to take on a more realistic form. My wife and I and our friends/business partners are about a week away from closing a deal on a liquor store, an 8 unit apartment building and a 3/2 condo. All of which are great deals and all of which will both contribute to our bottom line and our monthly passive income.
What has been interesting is that way back I said we would make $36,000 in 49 days. Well it didn't happen by the calendar dates but I was reminded to be absolutely specific in my requests. The original goal was to hit that $36,000 in 49 days, but I didn't say which 49 days.
Now it looks like it is going to happen. I'll let you know.
Until then enjoy the Secret and I hope you can make it work for you.