To be honest I've known about it since I was a young boy just starting out for my boy scouts athletic badge. My Dad told me the secret of visualization but I just never fully applied it. The same is true for ever other time I've heard about it. Passing my driving test, selling successfully, even dating, amongst others. But now is different.
Now not only do I know about it and can use it. I can give you an example of how to practice it yourself. Do the following.
1 - Stand upright, with your feet a comfortable distance apart and look forward.
2 - Now raise 1 arm so that it is parallel to the floor and pointing out in front of you.
3 - With your arm outstretched and your feet anchored to the floor, turn your body (if using your right arm, turn around right, left arm, left turn) slowly and focus on the farthest point you can see where you hand is pointing. Only look at where your hand is but really try to go far.
4 - Then return to face front, arms down.
5 - Close your eyes, breathe in and out calmly and in your mind see yourself reaching further. Imagine a point some way beyond where you previously and physically were able to reach. Think about that for 10-15 seconds, that's all. A tiny fraction of time.
6 - Finally repeat the first 3 steps.
You will find yourself achieving something quite amazing. Really amazing.
The reason this works is because our brains can barely distinguish between real and imagined events. Scientists have performed thousands of tests on subjects who were measured while performing a task and then measured while imagining the same task and the areas of the brain that are used are the same. Identical.
So you see whether you believe in the law of attraction or something of a more earthbound nature the facts are undeniable. You can think yourself to anything you want, with visualization.
Try out the experiment above, you'll see for yourself. Now imagine what you can achieve for your own goals of health, wealth and happiness just with visualisation.
Enjoy your Sunday. I visualize that it will be great.
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Great exercise Richard, I tried it with great success. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Kat - I'm glad it helped, My own wife amazed me today by doing the same exercise and getting almost a full 1/3rd further around.
P.S. Love your blog and can't wait for Philip stories.
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Wow, that was a really nice, inspirational post, thanks. I like that you gave an actual activity which can be used to explain visualization. People like action. I actually just wrote an article about the role of visualization with the law of attraction which is here for anyone that would like to read it: Why some need to visualize and some don't
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